Cultural Immersion
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Cultural immersion is the process of immersing yourself in the customs, traditions, language and daily life of a particular culture or community. It involves actively engaging with local people, listening to their stories, participating in cultural activities or rituals and embracing their values. For example, during a trip to Patagonia you might horse ride with gauchos (known as baqueanos in Chile) staying in a remote puesto which are the basic huts that have been used by horsemen for generations. To connect more deeply and understand the culture, you might drink wine from the bota and partake in drinking mate (the local herbal drink) in the traditional way.
Since our inception in 1997 we have been a huge proponent of this style of travel as it broadens visitors’ perspectives and fosters a meaningful connection with the local people. During the early days of our flagship Glacier Ride, we were one of the first local operators to consciously promote the baqueano culture by including estancia visits and stays in our programmes and inviting the baqueanos to be key members of the guiding team. Spending multiple days in the company of these accomplished horsemen gave our guests a unique and privileged glimpse into their lives which benefitted everybody involved.
Today, we continue to promote local, cultural experiences as important components of a visit to the region. Whether this involves helping the gauchos round up cattle during a riding trip, joining a local cookery lesson to learn how to make empanadas or staying with local families in the remoter parts of the countryside, we are more than happy to make suggestions and include these crucial, rewarding and life expanding experiences during your personal itinerary.